

John Smith and Jane Smith are a pair of ordinary people envious of the couple, since five or six years ago in Colombia meeting, the two drowned in beauty has been living a quiet life. But perhaps life is too calm, they both feel marriage soon as the grave, so that even psychologists can not solve the marriage between the cracks.

However, Smith and his wife soon began to found a new passion in life. The two unexpectedly frequent attacks by the killer, and thrilling to have saved the day, turned out of respect for each other that they never knew each other's work in secret - with the couple for the legendary killer, well-trained, skilled murder The key is for them to the two organizations on the right track to implement the task.

This is the perfect spy Fuqi Dang, a recent comic thriller is received at the same time as the latest mission - to kill each other, their pride and professional ethics to allow the assassination of steadily escalating action. After a series of "accidents" after the incident, Smith and his wife understand that they have been locked into the assassination of the goal, and love the other side of this is on the right track. Well-matched, the deep love how hard they would kill the goal?


我在高中时看过一本二十世纪初英国作家 D H Lawrence 写的 小说“ SONS AND LOVERS”。这么多年已经过去了还不能找到另一个作家可像他这样在宏观及细看大自然的美景时可如陶渊明般传神,而他在写爱情的灵慾交接这方面更是现代的琼瑶望尘莫及的,其实在某些方面他感性动人波涛过后又起涟漪的白居易式真情描绘力度就仿如柔情似水却可捲起千尺浪的三毛。就细心阅读祗此一本小说就足够令你一生一世对英国文学产生浓厚的兴趣了。另切记:勿尝试阅读莎士比亚 SHAKESPEARE 的任何作品,他使用陈旧不再可在现代使用的十六世纪古英语,由于差不多每一句都需注释才可清楚明白,他的作品基本上对学习写英语文章一点用处也没有。


About celebrities

Fox and crow a fox once saw a Crow fly away with a piece of cheese and stop on a branch. "This is for me, because I am a fox," said master Renard, who went under the tree. "Goodbye, mistress crow," he cried, "how good you look today: how smooth your feathers are, how bright your eyes are, and I believe your voice must More than other birds, just like your body makes me hear only one song from you.

I can greet you like the queen of birds. "The crow raised her head and began to shout," but as soon as she opened her mouth, the cheese fell on the ground and was ed away by master fox. "So he said," I only want to exchange your cheese with your cheese.

I will give you a piece of advice, that is: Don't trust flatterers. ".


1. Brave Deeds of Fearless Celebrities

 2. Because throughout history, there have been numerous individuals whose courage and determination in the face of adversity have inspired generations. 

From Harriet Tubman leading slaves to freedom, to Malala Yousafzai standing up for girls' education in Pakistan, these individuals showed unwavering bravery in the pursuit of their goals.

 In the face of danger, they remained steadfast and resolute, refusing to be intimidated by those who sought to silence them and their causes. 


3. It is important to remember their stories of bravery, as they continue to serve as a source of inspiration for those facing their own challenges and obstacles. 

By following in their footsteps, we too can find the courage to stand up for what we believe in and make a positive impact on the world around us.


Tracy McGrady

Houston Rockets small forward/shooting guard Tracy "T-Mac" McGrady was born in Bartow, Fla., on May 24, 1979.

Tmac is a very good player, I like him very much... He is one of the most outstanding player in the NBA, he is very handsome, is a good father...

He owns the world's most outstanding talent, does he still good enough.
